Student Handbook

Frank Squires and Red Brick Elementary Schools





This is an abbreviated version of the complete Frank Squires and Red Brick Elementary Schools Handbook. You may obtain a complete handbook from our web site: or you may also obtain a copy from either elementary office.




Frank Squires and Red Brick Elementary Schools, in cooperation with family and community, will provide a quality education for all students. Together we will promote effective communication, problem solving, and responsible behavior.




It is our vision at Frank Squires and Red Brick Elementary Schools to create an exemplary school that is recognized for the achievements of its students, the quality of its staff, and the diversity of its programs.





The Cassopolis Public School District will:

§         Provide an ongoing and ever-improving learning environment dedicated to developing a partnership with the community.

§         Be a goal directed and unified district in its efforts to produce responsible and productive citizens in a safe learning environment.

§         Have a collective responsibility with parents and community for life long learning.

§         Be leaders in successful learning, citizen preparation, and high achievement.






All students will demonstrate the academic, technological and cultural

competencies necessary to compete in a global society.


Arrival and Departure                                3

Emergency Closings, Delays, and Early Dismissal                                3

Student Rights and Responsibilities                                3



Emergency Medical Authorization                                3

Injury and Illness                                3

Homebound Instruction                                3

Use of Medications                                4

    Asthma Inhalers and Epi-pens    4

    Non-Prescribed/Over-the Counter (OTC) Medication    4



Computer Technology and Networks                                4

Field Trips                                4

Courses Offered and Grading System                                5

Grading Periods                                5

Homework                                5

Recognition of Student Achievement                                5

Student Assessment                                5



Transportation                                6

Bicycles                                6

Walkers                                6

Student/Staff Safety                                6

Fundraising                                6

Homecoming/Spirit Week                                7

Lost and Found                                7

Meal Services                                7

Cafeteria Procedures and Rules                                7

Parties                                7

School Sponsored Clubs and Activities                                 7                             

Student Valuables                                7

Telephone Use                                8

Animals/Pets                                8



Communications                                8

Parent Involvement in the School Program                                8

Relations with Parents                                9

Review of Instructional Materials and Activities                                9                                                             


Addressing School Personnel                                10

Attendance                                10-11

    Attendance Policy    10

    Truancy    10

    Excused Absences    10

    Excusable/Non-Approved Absences    10

    Suspension from School    10

    Unexcused Absences    10

    Notification of Absences    10

    Tardiness    11

    Vacations During the School Year    11

    Make-Up of Tests and Other School Work    11

    Perfect Attendance     11

Student Attendance at School Events    11

Care of Property    11

Dress Code    11-12

    Consequences for Inappropriate Dress    12

Due Process Rights    12-13

    Suspension from School    12

V. STUDENT CONDUCT – continuation

    Long-Term Suspension or Expulsion from School    12

    Discipline of Students with Disabilities    13

Expected Behavior    13

Explanation of Terms Applying to the Student Discipline Code    13-17

    Use of Drugs    13

    Use of Breath Test Instruments    13

    Use of Tobacco    13

    Student Disorder/Demonstration    13

    Possession of a Weapon    13

    Use of an Object as a Weapon    14

    Knowledge of Dangerous Weapons or Threats of Violence    14

    Purposely Setting a Fire                                                       14

    Physically Assaulting a Staff Member/Student/Person Associated

        with the District    14

    Verbally Threatening a Staff Member/Student/Person Associated

        with the District    14

    Extortion    14

    Gambling    14

    Falsification of School Work, Identification, Forgery    14

    False Alarms, False Reports, and Bomb Threats    14    Explosives    14

    Trespassing    14

    Theft    14

    Disobedience    14

    Damaging Property    15

    Persistent Absence or Tardiness    15

    Unauthorized Use of School or Private Property    15

    Refusing to Accept Discipline    15

    Aiding or Abetting Violation of School Rules    15

    Displays of Affection    15

    Possession of Electronic Equipment/Using Camera Cell Phones    15

    Violation of Individual School/Classroom Rules    15

    Violation of Bus Rules    15

    Disruption of the Education Process    15

    Harassment    15-16

        Sexual Harassment    16

        Hazing    16

        Bullying    16

    Possession of a Firearm, Arson, and Criminal Sexual Conduct    17

    Criminal Acts    17

    Safety Concerns    17

    Profanity    17

Gangs    18

Gum and Candy    18

Playground and Recess Rules    18

Search and Seizure    19

Student Discipline Code    19

Student Rights of Expression    19

Code of Conduct for Students    19-23

    Definitions    19

    Responsible Thinking Process (The Disciplinary Code)    20

    Student Support Meetings (Interventions)    20

    Suspension and Expulsion Rules and Philosophy     20

    Suspension and Expulsion of Students with Disabilities    21

    Short-Term Suspension    21

    Long-Term Suspension/Expulsion    21

    Emergency Situations    21

    Additional Rules Concerning Suspension    21

    Pupil Conduct Code    22

    General Misconduct Offenses    22

    Gross Misconduct Offenses    22

    Procedures and Penalties for Gross Misconduct Offense    23

    Penalty    23

    Incorrigibility/Persistent Disobedience    23


ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE Students eating breakfast may enter the building and go to the cafeteria.  Students not participating in the Breakfast Program are to arrive at school and go directly to the class.  Students that are tardy must go directly to the office to sign in and receive a pass.


No student will be allowed to leave school prior to dismissal time without a written request signed by the parent/guardian, telephone call from the parent/guardian, or the parent/guardian coming to the school office to request the release.  No student will be released to a person other than a custodial parent(s) without written permission signed by the custodial parent(s) or guardian(s).


If you wish to pick up your child from school, please send a note with your child or call the office prior to 2:45 p.m.  Students who do not have a written note or message from the office will be sent home on the bus (unless he/she is a walker).  Please do not request early dismissal, except for a confirmed doctor/dental appointment or family emergency, as the end of the day is often used for special instructions for the following day. 


Supervision is not available to accommodate students arriving or departing 15 minutes before or after official start and ending times unless pre-approved arrangements made.  All students will remain outside the main entrance prior to the first bell.



In the event that it is necessary to alter the regular school day, the Instant Alert System contacts each household.  Parents are responsible for updating emergency information as it changes.  Local radio and television stations will also broadcast up to date information



The rules and procedures of the school are designed to allow each student to obtain a safe, orderly, and appropriate education.  Students can expect their rights to freedom of expression and association and to fair treatment as long as they respect those rights for their fellow students and the staff.  Students will be expected to follow teachers' directions and to obey all school rules. Disciplinary procedures are designed to ensure due process (a fair hearing) before a student is removed because of his/her behavior.


Parents have the right to know how their child is succeeding in school and will be provided information on a regular basis and as needed, when concerns arise.  Many times it will be the student’s responsibility to deliver that information.  If necessary, the mail or hand delivery may be used to ensure contact.  Parents are encouraged to build a two-way link with their child’s teachers and support staff by informing the staff of suggestions or concerns that may help their child better accomplish his/her educational goals.  Students must arrive at school on time, prepared to learn, and participate in the educational program.  If, for some reason, this is not possible, the student should seek help from the principal.                                                                                       





The Board has established a policy that every student must have an Emergency Medical Authorization Form completed and signed by his/her parent in order to participate in any activity off school grounds.  This includes field trips, spectator trips, athletic and other extra-curricular activities, and co-curricular activities.  The Emergency Medical Authorization Form is provided at the time of enrollment and at the beginning of each year.  Failure to return the completed form to the school will jeopardize a student's educational program.  It is necessary to keep all emergency information up to date.  State law requires that all students must have an emergency medical card completed, signed by a parent or guardian, and filed in the school office.  A student may be excluded from school until this requirement has been fulfilled.


INJURY AND ILLNESS All injuries must be reported to a teacher or the office.  If the injury is minor, the student will be treated and may return to class.  If medical attention is required, the office will follow the school's emergency procedures.  A student who becomes ill during the school day should request permission to go to the office.  A designated adult in the office will determine whether or not the student should remain in school or go home.  No student will be released from school without proper parental permission.


HOMEBOUND INSTRUCTION The District shall arrange for individual instruction to students of legal school age who are not able to attend classes because of a physical or emotional disability.


Parents should contact the school administration regarding procedures for such instruction.  Applications must be approved by the Superintendent.  The District will provide homebound instruction only for those confinements expected to last at least five (5) days. Applications for individual instruction shall be made by a physician licensed to practice in this State, parent, student, or caregiver.  A physician must certify the nature and existence of a medical condition; state the probable duration of the confinement; request such instruction; present evidence of the student’s ability/inability to participate in an educational program.

USE OF MEDICATIONS Students with specific health care needs should deliver written notice about such needs along with proper documentation by a physician, to the school office.In circumstances where a student must take prescribed medication during the school day, the following guidelines are to be observed:

A.    Parents should, with their physician's counsel, determine whether the medication schedule can be adjusted to avoid administering medication during school hours.

B.    The Medication Request and Authorization Form 5330 F1, F1a, F1b, and F1c must be filed with the respective building principal before the student will be allowed to begin taking any medication during school hours.

C.    All medications must be registered in the Health Room.

D.                Medication that is brought to the Health Room will be properly secured.

·         Medication may be conveyed to school directly by the parent or transported by transportation personnel (bus driver and/or bus aide) at parental request.  This should be arranged in advance.  A two to four (2-4) week supply of medication is recommended.

·         Medication MAY NOT be sent to school in a student's lunch box, pocket, or other means on or about his/her person, except for emergency medications for allergies and/or reactions.

E.     Any unused medication unclaimed by the parent will be destroyed by school personnel when a prescription is no longer to be administered or at the end of a school year.

F.     A log for each medication shall be maintained which will note the personnel giving the medication, the date, and the time of day.  This log will be maintained along with the physician's written instructions and the parent's written permission release.


Asthma Inhalers and Epi-pens:  Students, with appropriate written permission from the physician and parent, may possess and use a metered dose inhaler or dry powder inhaler to alleviate asthmatic symptoms.  Epinephrine (Epi-pen) is administered only in accordance with a written medication administration plan developed by the school principal and updated annually.


Non-Prescribed/Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications: If a student is found using or possessing a non-prescribed medication without physician/parent authorization, he/she will be brought to the school office and the parents will be contacted for authorization.  The medication will be confiscated until authorization is received.   

Any student who distributes a medication of any kind to another student or is found to possess a medication other than the one authorized is in violation of the school's Code of Conduct and will be disciplined in accordance with the drug-use provision of the code.


Board Policy 5330:  Before any prescribed medication or treatment may be administered to any student during school hours, the Board shall require the written prescription and instructionsfrom the child's physician accompanied by the written authorization of the parent.  Both must also authorize any self-medication by the student.  Before any non-prescribed medication or treatment may be administered, the Board shall require the prior written consent of the parent along with a waiver of any liability of the District for the administration of the medication.  The parent must also authorize any self-medication by his/her child.



Before any student may take advantage of the school’s computer network and the Internet, he/she and his/her parents must sign an agreement which defines the conditions under which the student may participate.  Students will have access to school computers during assigned times.  Students are expected to comply at all times with the District policy on internet usage.  Failure to abide by all of the terms of the agreement may lead to termination of the student’s computer account and possible disciplinary action as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct or referral to law enforcement authorities.  Copies of the District’s Student Network and Internet Acceptable User and Safety Policy and the requisite student and parent agreement will be distributed at the beginning of each school year.


Students who check out materials from the media center are responsible for their return and/or the cost of replacement if they are lost or damaged.  When materials become "overdue", the student is not permitted to check out other materials until the "overdue" materials are returned or paid for.



Field trips are a worthwhile part of a student’s education and are designed to be entertaining and educational.  Students and parents are expected to exhibit proper and acceptable behavior during each field trip.  If improper behavior is exhibited, those students and parents may lose the privilege of being included in the next field trip.  All students must ride the school bus to and from the field trip.  No student may participate in any school-sponsored trip without parental consent.  Attendance rules apply to all field trips.


We have limited space for field trip chaperones.  Chaperones may not bring younger siblings or friends on field trips.  As a chaperone, your help is needed in supervising students.  The use of tobacco products, alcohol, or display of physical affection at any time during a field trip – even out-of-sight of students is prohibited.  Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.



Courses offered:  Reading, Math, English, Spelling, Writing, Science, Social Studies, Computers, Vocal Music, Band, Physical Education, Health, and Art.  Frank Squires and Red Brick Elementary Schools has a standard grading procedure, as well as additional notations that may indicate work in progress or incomplete work.  The purpose of a grade is to indicate the extent to which the student has acquired the necessary learning.  In general, students are assigned grades based upon test results, homework, projects, and classroom participation.  Each teacher may place a different emphasis on these areas in determining a grade and will so inform the students at the beginning of the course work.  If a student is not sure how his/her grade will be determined, he/she should ask the teacher.


The school uses the following grading system:


93-100 = A

83-87 = B

73-77 = C

63-67 = D

90-92 = A-

80-82 = B-

70-72 = C-

60-62 = D-

88-89 = B+

78-79 = C+

68-69 = D+

59 or less = F


O = Outstanding

S = Satisfactory

P = Progressing

U = Unsatisfactory



Students shall receive a report card at the end of each trimester indicating their grades for each course of study for that portion of the academic term.  When a student appears to be at risk of failure, notification will be provided to the parents so they can talk with the teacher about what actions can be taken to improve poor grades.



The term “homework” refers to an assignment to be prepared during a period of supervised study in class or outside of class which requires individual work at home.  The purpose of homework is:

·         To improve the learning process;

·         To aid in the mastery of skills;

·         To create and stimulate interest on the part of the student; and

·         To develop self-discipline


RECOGNITION OF STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Students who have displayed significant achievements during the course of the year are recognized for their accomplishments.  Areas that may merit recognition include but are not limited to academics, athletics, performing arts, citizenship, and volunteerism.  Recognition for such activities is initiated by the staff and coordinated by the principal.


Honor Roll:  The Academic Honor Roll gives recognition to students for scholastic achievement. Academic Honor Roll students will be listed in area newspapers. The student must have all A’s or all A’s and B’s.  It does not take classroom citizenship into account.  There can be no U’s on the report card from specials classes.


Special Awards: Regional student competitions (Math-A-Rama, Science Olympiad, Six Grade Math Meet, Spelling Bee, Young Writers’ Day), AR Stars, Field Day, Math Masters, Perfect Attendance, etc.



To measure student progress, students will be tested in accordance with State standards and District policy.


Unless exempted, each student will be expected to pass the appropriate MEAP Test.  They will be given once a year in the fall.  Make-up dates are scheduled, but unnecessary absences should be avoided.  The NWEA is administered in the Fall, Winter (is optional) and in the Spring.  DIBELS is administered in the Fall and in the Spring.


Additional group tests are given to students to monitor progress and determine educational mastery levels.  These tests are used to help the staff determine instructional needs.  Classroom tests will be used to assess student progress and assign grades.  These are selected or prepared by teachers to assess how well the students have achieved specific objectives.


If necessary, intelligence tests, speech and language evaluations, individually administered achievement tests, and other special testing services are available to students needing these services.


Students will not be required, as part of the school program or District curriculum, to submit to or participate in any survey, analysis, or evaluation that reveals information of a personal nature in accordance with Board policy and Federal guidelines.


Depending on the type of testing and specific information requested, parent consent may need to be obtained.  Sam Adams Elementary School will not violate the rights of consent and privacy of a student participating in any form of evaluation.





The bus driver has the right to drive safely without being distracted.  Children have the right to ride in safety.  Bus riding is your privilege and you must follow all rules and regulations, and treat your driver with respect and courtesy.  Drivers have the responsibility of getting students to and from school safely.  They must have your cooperation at all times.  A driver may assign seats as needed.


Failure to follow the rules and regulations listed in the Transportation Handbook may result in the loss of bus riding privileges.  The District discipline policy, the Responsible Thinking Process, is followed on the buses.  Any action not covered in the Transportation Handbook, but considered disruptive shall be handled as a violation of the bus rules and regulation.  Therefore, exclusion from the list shall not be interpreted as limiting the scope of the school’s authority in dealing with any type of infraction that may not be in the best interest of the safety and welfare of the students of Cassopolis Public Schools. 


It is important to remember that the school rules apply going to and from school, at school, on school property, at school-sponsored events, and on school transportation.  In some cases, a student can be suspended from school transportation for infractions of school bus rules. If you have any transportation questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Charlene Swartz, Transportation Director at 445-0509.


School bus rules will at no time supercede the uniform code of discipline of the District.  If a student is suspended from school, he/she is automatically suspended from bus transportation.  Likewise, when a student is suspended from the bus, all transportation to/from school and school activities will also be suspended (i.e. athletic events, all non-academic trips, etc.)  A custodial parent or guardian may transport their suspended child to/from school activity.  Only the suspended child may ride with the parent or guardian.  The school is not responsible for any costs involved with the transportation of the student (i.e. parking, adult admission, mileage, etc.)

(For all other transportation issues, please refer to the Transportation Handbook)


BICYCLES Students are to park their bicycles for the day, in the bicycle rack immediately upon arrival at school.  Each student bringing a bicycle to school must use a bicycle lock to help prevent theft.  The school accepts no responsibility for damaged or stolen bikes.



Students are required to use sidewalks when walking to or from school.  It is against the law to walk in the street within the village limits.  Students who violate behavior expectations while walking to or from school are subject to all consequences established for misbehavior while students are on the school premises.


STUDENT/STAFF SAFETY A closed door policy means that parents/visitors must call the school office at least 24 hours in advance to make an appointment to meet with a teacher, principal, or staff member.  All entrance doors will remain locked during the school day.  Visitors, particularly parents, are welcome at the school.  In order to properly monitor the safety of students and staff, each visitor must report to the office upon entering the school to obtain a pass.  No one may go directly to any classroom without signing in at the office.  Any visitor found in the building without a pass shall be reported to the principal.  If a person wishes to confer with a member of the staff, he/she should call for an appointment prior to coming to the school, in order to schedule a mutually convenient time. Students may not bring visitors to school without prior approval of teachers and principal.


Student safety is a responsibility of the staff. All staff members are familiar with emergency procedures such as fire drills, tornado drills, lock downs, and accident reporting procedures.  Should a student be aware of any dangerous situation or accident, he/she must notify any staff person immediately.



Students participating in school-sponsored groups and activities will be allowed to solicit funds from staff members and members of the community in accordance with school guidelines.  Students may not participate in a fundraising activity conducted by a parent group, booster club, or community organization on school property without the approval of the principal. 


No student is permitted to sell or trade any item or service in school without the approval of the principal.  Violation of this may lead to disciplinary action.


Frank Squires and Red Brick Elementary School students will participate in Spirit Week.   Prior to Spirit Week, staff will determine what the “Special Dress” will be  – i.e.; Hat Day, Tie Day, Inside Out Day, Favorite Team Day, etc.  Face and hair paint is allowed for Blue and White Day only.


LOST AND FOUND The lost and found area is in the office.  Students who have lost items should check there and may retrieve their items if they give a proper description.  Unclaimed items will be given to charity at the end of the school year.



The school participates in the National School Lunch Program and makes breakfast, lunch, and milk available to students for a fee.  Students may also bring their own lunch to school to be eaten in the school's cafeteria.  No student shall be allowed to leave school premises during the lunch period without specific written permission granted by the principal.


Applications for the school's Free and Reduced-Priced Meal program are distributed to all students.  If a student does not receive an application and believes that she/he is eligible, contact Robyn Bright, Food Service Director at 445-0645 or 445-0542.



A.    During the lunch period, students are to:

·         Walk at all times.

·         Be seated by homeroom classes.

·         Wait quietly at their table until a lunchroom supervisor directs the students to get into line.

·         Keep hands off other people and their food.

·         No throwing of food.

·         Talk in a quiet manner.  Students will stop talking immediately when they hear the whistle.

·         Students will remain seated at all times unless given permission from the supervisor to throw trash away.

·         Table Captain will notify the supervisor when area is cleaned up before being excused.

·         Students with a teacher pass may return to classroom when dismissed.

·         All students must go to their assigned area for safety purposes.

B.       All school rules apply in the lunchroom.

C.       Students may be dismissed to the RTC room or a Detention Table for poor cafeteria behavior.

D.      NO pop/energy drink is permitted due to the Wellness Policy.

E.       The “Lunch Bunch” room has been designed for parents and visitors wishing to have lunch with a student.  Please contact the office if you wish to attend.



Classroom parties scheduled during the school year include Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day. All other requests for classroom parties are to be approved by the principal (except birthdays).  Alternate educational activities shall be provided for students whose parents exempt them from party activities.  Face and hair paint will be allowed for Halloween dress up.



Frank Squires and Red Brick Elementary Schools provide students the opportunity to broaden their learning through curricular-related activities. A curricular-related activity may be for credit, required for a particular course, and/or contain school subject matter.  The Board authorizes many student groups that are sponsored by a staff member.


Extra-curricular activities do not reflect the school curriculum, but are made available to students to allow them to pursue additional worthwhile activities such as recreational sports, drama, and the like.  All students are permitted to participate in the activities of their choosing, as long as they meet the eligibility requirements. 


Students who do not behave appropriately will not be allowed to participate in school sponsored events i.e. trips, talent shows, Field Day, good behavior events, competitions, assemblies, etc.



STUDENT VALUABLES Students are encouraged not to bring items of value to school.  Items such as jewelry, expensive clothing, electronic equipment, etc. are tempting targets for theft and extortion.  The school cannot be responsible for their safe-keeping and will not be liable for loss or damage to personal valuables.





Office telephones are not to be used for personal calls.  Except in an emergency, students will not be called to the office to receive a telephone call.  Students are not to use telephones to call parents to receive permission to leave school.  Office personnel will initiate all calls on behalf of a student seeking permission to leave school.



Due to allergies, please do not bring animals/pets in to the school.  Visitors and students may only bring an animal/pet to school with prior approval from staff or administration.


IV. PARENT INVOLVEMENT   COMMUNICATIONS The Student Agenda and other important school notices, especially those requiring parent signature or response should be signed and returned promptly.   This is a very important part of the communication between teachers, parents, and students.  Everyone needs to make communication a priority.



The Board of Education believes that durable and significant learning by a student is more likely to occur when there is an effective partnership between the school and the student’s parents/guardians.   Such a partnership means a mutual belief in and commitment to significant educational goals for a student, a plan for the means to accomplish those goals, cooperation in developing and implementing solutions to problems that may be encouraged, and continuing communication regarding the process in accomplishing the goal(s).   Parents should be meaningfully involved in:


  1. developing and implementing appropriate strategies for helping their child achieve the learning objectives that lead to accomplishing desired learning outcomes.
  2. providing a mutually supportive school and home environment which encourages learning.
  3. establishing meaningful learning outcomes which support the development of responsible members of society.
  4. supporting a consistent and shared approach to child guidance and discipline.
  5. providing proper health, safety, and well-being for their child.

The Board is committed to communicating with parents at a level and in a language they can understand, where practicable.  The Board, through this policy, directs the establishment of a parent involvement plan, which can be communicated to the parent of each child in the District.  The plan must encompass parent participating, through meetings and other forms of communication.  The Parental Involvement Plan shall be distributed to all parents and students through publication in the Student/Parent Handbook or other suitable means. 


The Superintendent shall direct the development of a Parent Involvement Plan for the District, which may include, among others, the following strategies:

  1. Provide parents with their child’s individual assessment results, reading results, progress reports, report cards, and parent conferences.
  2. Provide a description and explanation of the curriculum being used in the District, the form of assessment used to measure student progress and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet.
  3. Provide parents with each school’s Code of Conduct.
  4. Arrange flexibly scheduled parent/teacher conferences and parent requested conferences.
  5. Post general parent/teacher meetings and special parent involvement planning meetings on the District website and/or via-email.
  6. Published in the District’s school newsletter(s) information regarding the parent involvement plan and parent involvement opportunities.
  7. Schedule meetings and brainstorming sessions periodically to provide parents the opportunity to share concerns and desires, and to improve the school environment and student achievement.
  8. Maintain a consistent district-wide effort to communicate regularly with parents.
  9. Schedule parent/teacher conferences to inform parents of student’s progress.
  10. Distribute periodic newsletters from teachers informing parents of upcoming District events and curriculum being taught.
  11. Make calls, use e-mail letters as needed for teachers and administrators to communicate with parents.
  12. Encourage parental involvement in ongoing reading tutorial programs throughout the school year.
  13. Encourage the development of after school academic clubs or activities to provide students additional opportunities to develop skills.
  14. Have older students provide tutoring services to younger students.
  15. Encourage active faculty participating in PTO or similar school parent groups.
  16. Have students perform for parents and community.
  17. Encourage parents to serve as chaperones for class field trips and other school activities.
  18. Recognize parents and volunteers who have helped throughout the year.
  19. Have school administration and staff provide test data and interpretation meetings allowing parents to ask questions.
  20. Provide opportunities for discussions between parents, administrators, and staff to address problems and find solutions for students having difficulties, either academically or socially.
  21. Place current and accurate announcements on the school’s marquis.
  22. Form an advisory council which consists of District staff, parents, and students to assure they are involved in an organized, ongoing and timely way, in the planning, review and improvement of the schools Parental Involvement Plan.


The Board needs parents to assume and exercise responsibility for their children’s behavior, including the behavior of students who have reached the legal age of majority, but are still supported by the parent.  During the school hours, the Board, through its designated administrators, recognizes the responsibility to monitor students’ behavior and, as with academic matters, the importance of cooperation between the school and the parents in matters relating to conduct.


For the benefit of the child, the Board encourages parents to support their child’s career in school by:

  1. Participating in school functions, organizations, and committees;
  2. Supporting the teachers and the school in maintaining discipline and provide a safe and orderly learning environment;
  3. Requiring their child to observe all school rules and regulations;
  4. Supporting or enforcing consequences for their child’s willful misbehavior in school;
  5. Sending their children to school with proper attention to his/her health, personal cleanliness, and dress;
  6. Maintaining an active interest in their child’s daily work, monitoring, and making it possible for him/her to complete assigned homework by providing a quiet place and suitable conditions to study;
  7. Reading all communications from the school, signing, and returning them promptly when required;
  8. Cooperating with the school in attending conferences set up for the exchange of information of their child’s progress in school.


Parents have the right to review any instructional materials being used in the school.  They also may observe instruction in any class, particularly those dealing with instruction in health and sex education.  Any parent who wishes to review materials or observe instruction must contact the principal prior to coming to the school.  Parents have the right to review teaching materials and instructional activities are subject to reasonable restrictions and limits.


NOTE:  The following forms are available in the school office as referenced in the Student Handbook.

          Title VI, IX, 504 Grievance Form 2260 F2

        Notice of Nondiscrimination and Grievance Procedures for Title II, Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, Section 504 and ADA Form 2260 F8

                        Memorandum to Parents Regarding School Board Policy on Drug-Free Schools Form 5530 F2

        Notification to Parents Regarding Student Records Form 8330 F9

        Notification to Parents on Blood-Borne Pathogens Form 8453.01 F5

        Authorization for Prescribed Medication or Treatment Form 5330 F1

          Authorization for Non-prescribed Medication or Treatment (Secondary Version) Form 5330 F1a

                        Authorization for Non-prescribed Medication or Treatment (Elementary Version) Form 5330 F1b

                        Authorization for Use of Asthma Inhalers, Epi-pens or Prescribed Emergency Medication Form 5330F1c

          Parent Request to Inspect Materials Used in Conjunction with any Survey, Analysis, or Evaluation Form 2416 F2


This Student/Parent Handbook was developed to answer many of the commonly asked questions during the school year and to provide specific information about certain Board policies and procedures.  This handbook contains important information that you should know.  Become familiar with the following information and keep the handbook available for frequent references by students and parents.  If you have any questions that are not addressed in this handbook, you are encouraged to talk to your teachers or the building principal.


This handbook summarizes many of the official policies and administrative guidelines of the Board of Education and the District.  To the extent that the handbook is ambiguous or conflicts with these policies and guidelines, the policies and guidelines shall control.  This handbook is effective immediately and supersedes any prior handbook and other written material on the same subjects.


This handbook does not equate to an irrevocable contractual commitment to the student, but only reflects the current status of the Board’s policies and the school rules as of December 31, 2004.  If any of the policies or administrative guidelines referenced herein is revised after December 31, 2004, the language in the most current policy or administrative guideline prevails.






Students are expected to address all school personnel as Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Miss. This includes staff members, administrators, secretaries, custodians, bus drivers, kitchen staff, paraprofessionals, and parents. 



Attendance Policy:  It is imperative that students be in attendance each school day in order not to miss a significant portion of their education.  Many important experiences result from active participation in classroom and other school activities, which cannot be replaced by individual study.


Truancy:  Unexcused absence from school (truancy) is not acceptable.  Students who are truant will receive no credit for school work that is missed.  After 10 days of truancy in any grading period, a student will be considered a "habitual truant" which can result in:

·         assignment to RTC with loss of participation in school activities and events;

·         a poor work ethic grade which will become a part of the student's permanent record which may be sent to employers and postsecondary schools;

·         a hearing before a judge in a court of law;

·         a report to local authorities concerning lack of parental responsibility in providing proper care and supervision of a child.


Excused Absences:  Students may be excused from school for one or more of the following reasons and will be provided an opportunity to make-up missed school work and/or tests:

§         personal illness, illness in the family, quarantine of the home, death of relative, observance of religious holidays, absence for professional appointments.


Students who are excusably absent for more than 10 days in a grading period, regardless of the reasons, will be considered "frequently absent".  If there is a pattern of frequent absence for illness, the parents will be required to provide a statement from a physician describing the health condition that is causing the frequent illness and the treatment that is being provided to rectify the condition.  Without such a statement, the student's permanent attendance record will indicate frequent unexplained illness, a possible sign of poor work ethic and irresponsible behavior.


During the next grading period, a "frequently absent" student will be placed on attendance watch to monitor whether or not the pattern continues.  If it continues, the student may be denied the opportunity to participate in non-curricular school activities and events, a notation made on his/her grading record, and the local truancy officer informed of the situation.


Excusable/Non-Approved Absences:  If a student is absent from school because of suspension or vacation, the absence will not be considered a truancy, and she/he may be given the opportunity to make up the school work that is missed.  

Suspension from School:  Absence from school due to suspension shall be considered an authorized absence, neither excused nor unexcused. 


A suspended student will be responsible for making up school work missed due to suspension.  It is recommended that a student complete missed assignments during the suspension and turn them in to the teacher upon his/her return to school.  Assignments may be obtained from the office beginning with the first day of a suspension.  Make up of missed tests may be scheduled when the student returns to school.

  • The student will be given credit for properly completed assignments and a grade on any make-up tests.

Unexcused Absences:  Any student who is absent from school for all or any part of the day without a legitimate excuse shall be considered truant and the student and his/her parents shall be subject to the truancy laws of the State.

  • No credit shall be given for any school work not completed as a result of truancy.

Notification of Absences:  If a student is going to be absent, the parents must contact the school office at 269-445-0530 or 269-445-0529 by 10:00 a.m. and provide an explanation.  If prior contact is not possible, the parents should provide a written excuse as soon as possible.  When no excuse is provided, the absence will be unexcused and the student will be considered truant.  If the absence of a student appears to be questionable or excessive, the school staff will try to help parents improve their child's attendance.  

An excused absence allows the student to make up all possible work. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain missed assignments.  It is possible that certain kinds of school work such as labs or skill-practice sessions cannot be made up and, as a result, may negatively impact a student's grade.

  • If the absence is unexcused or unauthorized by the principal, a student may not make up the work.
  • The skipping of classes or any part of the school day is considered an unexcused absence and no make-up of class work will be permitted.  Disciplinary action will follow.

Tardiness:  A student who is not in his/her assigned location by 7:45 a.m. shall be considered tardy.  Any student arriving late to school is to report to the school office before proceeding to class.  If your child is driven to school in the morning, you may begin dropping him/her off on the school side of East Street so that your child is not tardy but is still safe.  Please allow time for your child to promptly report to class by 7:45 a.m.  Tardies are tracked every nine weeks and documented for each class.  School starts at 7:45 a.m.  From that time on you are expected to be in your class on time.  If you are expected to be in RTC at a given time, but arrive late for any reason, it will be considered a tardy for this class.         Unexcused tardiness will go as the follows:

·         Your 1st tardy – teacher will allow you to enter your class and initiate the Responsible Thinking Process (RTP).

·         Your 2nd tardy – you have chosen RTC.

·         Your 3rd tardy – you have chosen RTC.

·         Your 4th tardy – a team intervention meeting will be called.

·         All students that attend RTC due to tardiness will work on reading, homework, or an educational assignment.


Parent Notification:  ·         A school notification letter will be sent for (5) tardies/absences. ·         A school notification letter will be sent for (10) tardies/absences.  Truancy will be notified.


Vacations During the School Year:  Parents are encouraged not to take their child out of school for vacations.  When a family vacation must be scheduled during the school year, the parents should discuss the matter with the principal and the student’s teacher(s) to make necessary arrangements.  It may be possible for the student to receive certain assignments that are to be completed during the trip.  

Make-Up of Tests and Other School Work:  Students who are excusably absent from school or who have been suspended shall be given the opportunity to make-up work that has been missed.  The student should contact his/her teachers as soon as possible to obtain assignments.

·    Make-up work due to suspension must be completed by the time the student returns to school.

·    Students will be given the number of days of excused absence within which to make-up work.

If a student misses a teacher's test due to excused absence, he/she may make arrangements with the teacher to take the test. If he/she misses a MEAP Test or other standardized test, the student should consult with the Title I teacher or assigned staff to arrange for taking the test.


Perfect Attendance:  Students who have perfect attendance for the semester, meaning no tardies, absences, or time removed from the school day will be eligible for the Perfect Attendance Celebration.  The sponsor of this reward and the principal will have final input as to who has achieved perfect attendance.



The school encourages students to attend as many school events held after school as possible, without interfering with their school work and home activities.  Enthusiastic spectators help to build school spirit and encourage those students who are participating in the event.


However, in order to ensure that students attending evening events as non-participants are properly safe-guarded, it is strongly advised that students be accompanied by a parent or adult chaperone when they attend events.  The school will not be able to supervise unaccompanied students nor will it be responsible for students who arrive without an adult chaperone.


The school will continue to provide adequate supervision for all students who are participants in a school activity.  Students must comply with the Code of Conduct at school events, regardless of the location.


CARE OF PROPERTY Students are responsible for the care of their own personal property.  The school will not be responsible for personal property.  Valuables such as jewelry or irreplaceable items shouldnot be brought to school.  The school may confiscate such items and return them to the student's parents.  Damage to or loss of school equipment and facilities wastes taxpayers' money and undermines the school program.  Therefore, if a student does damage to or loses school property, the student or his/her parents will be required to pay for the replacement or damage.  If the damage or loss was intentional, the student will also be subject to discipline according to the Student Discipline Code.  

DRESS CODE While fashions change, the reason for being in school does not.  Students are in school to learn.  Any fashion (dress, accessory, or hairstyle) that disrupts the educational process or presents a safety risk will not be permitted.  Personal expression is permitted within these general guidelines.  If a student has selected a manner of appearance that is beyond mere freedom of expression and disrupts the educational process or presents risk to themselves or others, they may be removed from the educational setting.


The following styles or manners of dress are prohibited:

·         Clothing which exposes underwear or private areas (torn or sagging) is not permitted. 

·         Clothing with writing or pictures that draws attention to private areas is prohibited.

·         Shoes or sandals must be worn.  (Tennis shoes must be worn for physical education class).

·         Heavy chains or belt/pocket chains are not to be worn.

·         Clothing which advertises, promotes, or contains inappropriate adult themes, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products/promotions, illegal substances, obscene matter in print, pictures, or symbols or gang-affiliated items are prohibited.

·         Clothing, jewelry, or any other items may not defame or discriminate by race, religion, sex, or creed.

·         Hats, scarves, bandanas, headbands, sunglasses, or coats during school hours unless they are going outside for recess or are celebrating “special” days (i.e. Hat Day, Beach Day, etc.) as determined by the school. 

·         Halter-tops or spaghetti strap tops are not permitted.  No cleavage may be exposed.

·         Shirts must be long enough to be tucked in.

·         Tank tops must be at least 2 inches wide at the shoulder.

·         Shirts must fit appropriately at armholes as not to reveal torso or undergarments.

·         Shorts must be un-fitted and of at least “finger-tip” length.

·         Skirts and dresses must be fingertip length.

·         Clothing articles (i.e. baby doll shirts, skirts, shorts, etc.) worn with leggings must be fingertip length and cover private areas while bending over or standing.

·         Shorts and capris may NOT be worn until announced by the principal.

·         No pajamas

·         No see-through clothing


Consequences for Inappropriate Dress:  Parents will be contacted and other clothing will be requested if a student comes to school dressed inappropriately  


Before a student may be suspended or expelled from school, there are specific procedures that must be followed:


Suspension from School:  When a student is being considered for a suspension of ten (10) days or less, the administrator in charge will notify the student of the charges.  The student will then be given an opportunity to explain his/her side and the administrator will then provide the student the evidence supporting the charges.  After that informal hearing, the principal will make a decision whether or not to suspend.  If a student is suspended, he/she and his/her parents will be notified, in writing within one (1) day, of the reason for and the length of the suspension.  

When a student is suspended, he/she may make-up work missed while on suspension.  Any learning that cannot be made up such as labs, field trips, skill-practices, or any learning that the student chooses not to make-up may be reflected in the grades earned.  A student being considered for suspension of more than ten (10) days will be given due process as described in the expulsion section below.


Long-Term Suspension or Expulsion from School:  When a student is being considered for long-term suspension of more than ten (10) days or expulsion, the student will receive a formal letter of notification addressed to the parents which will contain:  

  • The charge and related evidence;
  • The time and place of the Board meeting;
  • The length of the recommended suspension or expulsion;
  • A brief description of the hearing procedure;
  • A statement that the student may bring parents, guardians, and counsel;
  • A statement that the student may give testimony, present evidence, and provide a defense;
  • A statement that the student may request attendance of school personnel who were party to the action or accused the student of the infraction.

Students being considered for long-term suspension or expulsion may or may not be immediately removed from school.  A formal hearing is scheduled during which the student may be represented by his/her parents, legal counsel, and/or by a person of his/her choice.


After notification of long-term suspension or expulsion, the long‑term suspension or expulsion may be appealed, in writing, to the Superintendent.  The appeal will also be formal in nature with sworn testimony before official(s) designated by the Board of Education.  The appeal will be heard in an open session unless the student or the student’s parent or guardian requests a closed session.  Again, the right to representation is available.  The opportunity to earn grades or credit ends when a student is expelled.


Frank Squires and Red Brick Elementary Schools make a sincere effort to have disciplinary actions take place that will allow the student to remain in school.  If a disciplinary action does not result in removal from school, it cannot be appealed.  Should a student or parent have questions regarding the propriety of an in-school disciplinary action, he/she should contact the principal.


Discipline of Students with Disabilities:  Students with disabilities are entitled to the rights and procedures afforded by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (I.D.E.A.) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (A.D.A.).



A major component of the educational program at school is to prepare students to become responsible workers and citizens by learning how to conduct themselves properly and in accordance with established standards.  Each student shall be expected to:


·       Abide by national, state, and local laws as well as the rules of the school;

·       Respect the civil rights of others;

·       Act courteously to adults and fellow students;

·       Be prompt to school and attentive in class;

·       Work cooperatively with others when involved in accomplishing a common goal, regardless of the other's ability, gender, race, religion, height, weight, disability, or ethnic background;

·       Complete assigned tasks on time and as directed;

·       Help maintain a school environment that is safe, friendly, and productive;

·       Act at all times in a manner that reflects pride in self, family, and the school.



(Organized by Rule Number)

Each of the behaviors described below may subject the student to disciplinary action including suspension and/or expulsion from school.


1.         Use of Drugs:  Frank Squires and Red Brick Elementary Schools have a "Drug Free" zone that extends 1000 feet beyond the school boundaries as well as to any school activity and transportation.  This means that any activity, possession, sale, distribution, or use of drugs, alcohol, fake drugs, steroids, inhalants, or look-alike drugs is prohibited.  Attempted sale or distribution is also prohibited.  If caught, the student could be suspended or expelled and law enforcement officials may be contacted.  Sale also includes the possession or sale of over-the-counter medication to another student.


2.         Use of Breath Test Instruments:  The principal may arrange for a breath test for blood alcohol to be conducted on a student whenever she/he has individualized reasonable suspicion to believe that a student has consumed an alcoholic beverage. The student will be taken to a private administrative or instructional area on school property with at least one other member of the teaching or administrative staff present as a witness to the test. The purpose of the test is to determine whether or not the student has consumed an alcoholic beverage.  The amount of consumption is not relevant, except where the student may need medical attention.


If the result indicates a violation of school rules as described in this handbook, the student will be disciplined in accordance with disciplinary procedures described in this handbook.  If a student refuses to take the test, she/he will be advised that such denial will be considered an admission of alcohol use with the consequent discipline invoked.  The student will then be given a second opportunity to take the test.


3.         Use of Tobacco:  Smoking and other tobacco uses are a danger to a student's health and to the health of others.  The school prohibits the sale, distribution, use, or possession of any form of tobacco during school time or at any school activity.  This prohibition also applies when going to and from school and at school bus stops.  Violations of this rule could result in suspension or expulsion.


4.         Student Disorder/Demonstration:  Students will not be denied their rights to freedom of expression, but the expression may not infringe on the rights of others.  Disruption of any school activity will not be allowed.  If a student (or students) feels there is need to organize some form of demonstration, she/he is encouraged to contact the principal to discuss the proper way to plan such an activity.  Students who disrupt the school may be subject to suspension or expulsion.


5.     Possession of a Weapon:  A weapon includes, but is not limited to, firearms, guns of any type including air and gas-powered guns (whether loaded or unloaded), knives, razors, clubs, electric weapons, brass knuckles, martial arts weapons, and explosives.  It may also include any toy that is presented as a real weapon or reacted to as a real weapon.  Criminal charges may be filed for this violation.  Possession of a weapon may subject a student to expulsion and possible permanent exclusion.  It makes no difference whether or not the weapon belongs to someone else, unless the student can provide convincing evidence that the weapon was placed in the student's possession without his/her knowledge.  If it can be confirmed that a weapon was brought on District property by a student other than the one who possessed the weapon, that student shall also be subject to the same disciplinary action.


State law may require that a student be permanentlyexpelled from school, subject to a petition for possible reinstatement if he/she brings onto or has in his/her possession on school property or at a school related activity any of the following:

A.    Any explosive, incendiary, or poison gas including bombs, grenades, rockets, missiles, mines, or device that can be converted into such a destructive item.

B.    Any cutting instrument consisting of a sharp blade over three (3) inches long fastened to a handle.

C.    Any similar objects that are intended to invoke bodily harm or fear of bodily harm (e.g. air gun, blow-gun, toy gun, etc.).


6.         Use of an Object as a Weapon:  Any object that is used to threaten, harm, or harass another person may be considered a weapon.  This includes but is not limited to padlocks, pens, pencils, laser pointers, jewelry, and so on.  Intentional injury to another can be a felony and/or a cause for civil action.  This violation may subject a student to expulsion.


7.         Knowledge of Dangerous Weapons or Threats of Violence:  Because the Board believes that students, staff members, and visitors are entitled to function in a safe school environment, students are required to report knowledge of dangerous weapons or threats of violence to the principal.  Failure to report such knowledge may subject the student to discipline.


8.         Purposely Setting a Fire:  Anything, such as fire, that endangers school property and its occupants will not be tolerated.  Arson is a felony and may subject the student to expulsion.


9.         Physically Assaulting a Staff Member/Student/Person Associated with the District:  Physical assault at school against a District employee, volunteer, or contractor which may or may not cause injury may result in charges being filed and may subject the student to expulsion.  Physical assault is defined as “intentionally causing or attempting to cause physical harm to another through force or violence”.


10.      Verbally Threatening a Staff Member/Student/Person Associated with the District:  Verbal assault at school against a District employee, volunteer, or contractor or making bomb threats or similar threats directed at a school building, property, or a school related activity will be considered verbal assault.  Verbal threats or assaultmay result in suspension and expulsion. Verbal assault is a communicated intent to inflict physical or other harm on another person, with a present intent and ability to act on the threat.


11.      Extortion:  Extortion is the use of threat, intimidation, force, or deception to take or receive something from someone else.  Extortion is against the law.  Violations of this rule will result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension or expulsion.


12.      Gambling:  Gambling includes casual betting, betting pools, organized sports betting, and any other form of wagering.  Students who bet on an activity in which they are involved may also be banned from that activity.  Violations of this rule could result in suspension or expulsion.


13.    Falsification of School Work, Identification, Forgery:  Forgery of hall/bus passes and excuses as well as false ID’s are forms of lying and are not acceptable.  Plagiarism and cheating are also forms of falsification and subject the student to academic penalties as well as disciplinary action.  Violations of this rule could result in suspension or expulsion.


14.      False Alarms, False Reports, and Bomb Threats:  A false emergency alarm, report or bomb threat endangers the safety forces that are responding, the citizens of the community, and persons in the building.  What may seem like a prank, is a dangerous stunt.  Violations of this rule could result in suspension or expulsion.


15.      Explosives:  Explosives, fireworks, and chemical-reaction objects such as smoke bombs, pipe bombs, bottle bombs, small firecrackers, and poppers are forbidden and dangerous.  Violations of this rule could result in suspension or expulsion.


16.    Trespassing:  Although schools are public facilities, the law does allow the school to restrict access on school property.  If a student has been removed, suspended, or expelled, the student is not allowed on school property without authorization of the principal.  In addition, students may not trespass onto school property at unauthorized times or into areas of the school determined to be inappropriate.  Violations of this rule could result in suspension or expulsion.


17.      Theft:  When a student is caught stealing school or someone's property, she/he will be disciplined and may be reported to law enforcement officials.  Students are encouraged not to bring anything of value to school that is not needed for learning without prior authorization from the principal.  The school is not responsible for personal property.  Theft may result in suspension or expulsion.


18.    Disobedience:  School staff is acting "in loco parentis," which means they are allowed, by law, to direct a student as would a parent.  This applies to all staff, not just teachers assigned to a student.  If given a reasonable direction by a staff member, the student is expected to comply.  Chronic disobedience may result in expulsion.


19.      Damaging Property:  Vandalism and disregard for school property will not be tolerated.  Violations could result in suspension or expulsion.


20.       Persistent Absence or Tardiness:  Attendance laws require students to be in school all day or have a legitimate excuse.  It is also important to establish consistent attendance habits in order to succeed in school and in the world of work.  Excessive absence could lead to suspension from school.


21.   Unauthorized Use of School or Private Property:  Students are expected to obtain permission to use any school property or any private property located on school premises.  Any unauthorized use shall be subject to disciplinary action.  This includes use of the internet and communication networks in a manner not sanctioned by policy and administrative guideline.  Violations of this rule could result in suspension or expulsion.


22.       Refusing To Accept Discipline:  The school may use informal discipline to prevent the student from being removed from school.  When a student refuses to accept the usual discipline for an infraction, the refusal can result in a sterner action such as suspension or expulsion.


23.       Aiding or Abetting Violation of School Rules:  If a student assists another student in violating any school rule, they will be disciplined and may be subject to suspension or expulsion.  Students are expected to resist peer pressure and exercise sound decision-making regarding their behavior. 


24.       Displays of Affection:  Students demonstrating affection between each other is personal and not meant for public display.  This includes touching, petting, or any other contact that may be considered sexual in nature.  Such behavior may result in suspension from school or possibly expulsion.


25.   Possession of Electronic Equipment/Using Camera Cell Phones:  Most electronic equipment necessary in school is supplied by the school.  Students are not allowed to bring radios, portable TV's, electronic toys, pagers, laser pens, and the like without the permission of principal.  Cellular phones are permitted at school but must be shut off and kept out of sight from others.  Students are not allowed to use cell phones/text messaging during school hours.  The property will be confiscated and disciplinary action will be taken.  Violations of this rule could result in suspension or expulsion. 


   The school prohibits the use of any video device from any restroom, locker room, or other location where students and staff “have a reasonable expectation of privacy.”  A student improperly using any device to take or transmit images will face disciplinary action up to and including suspension, loss of privileges, and may be recommended for expulsion.


   Taking or transmitting images or messages during testing is also prohibited.  If a student is caught transmitting images or messages during testing, she/he will fail the exam and receive a day of suspension.  She/he also faces automatic withdrawal from the class depending on the severity of the incident.  Loss of privileges is an accompanying penalty and expulsion is a possibility, even on the first offense.


26.       Violation of Individual School/Classroom Rules:  Each learning environment has different rules for students.  Individual rules are for the safe and orderly operation of that environment.  Students will be oriented to specific rules, all of which will be consistent with the policy of the school.  Persistent violations of rules could result in suspension or expulsion.


27.       Violation of Bus Rules:  Please refer to bus rules provided by the Transportation Department.


28.   Disruption of the Educational Process:  Any actions or manner of dress that interferes with school activities or disrupts the educational process is unacceptable.  Such disruptions also include delay or prevention of lessons, assemblies, field trips, athletic, and performing arts events.


29.   Harassment:  Harassment of students is prohibited and will not be tolerated.  This includes inappropriate conduct by other students as well as any other person in the school environment, including employees, Board members, parents, guests, contractors, vendors, and volunteers.  It is the policy of the District to provide a safe and nurturing educational environment for all students.  This policy applies to all activities on school property and to all school sponsored activities whether on or off school property.


Harassment is defined as inappropriate conduct that is repeated enough, or serious enough, to negatively impact a student’s educational, physical, or emotional well being.  This would include harassment based on any of the legally protected characteristics, such as sex, race, color, national origin, religion, height, weight, marital status, or disability.  This policy, however, is not limited to these legal categories and includes any harassment that would negatively impact students.


Any student that believes she/he has been/or is the victim of harassment should immediately report the situation to the teacher, the principal, or student support specialist. Every student should and every staff member must report any situation that they believe to be improper harassment of a student.  Reports may be made to those identified above.


If the investigation finds harassment occurred, it will result in prompt and appropriate remedial action.  This may include up to expulsion for students, up to discharge for employee, exclusion for parents, guests, volunteers, and contractors, and removal from any officer position and/or a request to resign for Board members.  Retaliation against any person for complaining about harassment or participating in a harassment investigation is prohibited.  Suspected retaliation should be reported in the same manner as harassment.  Intentionally false harassment reports, made to get someone in trouble, are also prohibited.  Retaliation and intentionally false reports may result in disciplinary action as indicated above.


The following definitions are provided for guidance only.  If a student or other individual believes there has been harassment, regardless of whether it fits a particular definition, she/he should report it and allow the administration to determine the appropriate course of action.



A.      Submission to such unwelcome conduct or communication is made either an explicit or implicit condition of utilizing or benefiting from the services, activities, or programs of the School District;

B.       Submission to, or rejection of, the unwelcome conduct or communication is used as the basis for a decision to exclude, expel, or limit the harassed student in the terms, conditions, or privileges of the School District;

C.       The unwelcome conduct or communication interferes with the student’s education, creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment, or otherwise adversely affects the student’s educational opportunities.  This may include racial slurs, mocking behavior, or other demeaning comments.


Sexual Harassment, may include, but is not limited to:

A.      Verbal harassment or abuse;

B.       Pressure for sexual activity;

C.       Repeated remarks with sexual or demeaning implications;

D.      Unwelcome touching;

E.       Sexual jokes, posters, cartoons, etc.;

F.       Suggesting or demanding sexual involvement, accompanied by implied or explicit threats concerning one’s grades, safety, job, or performance of public duties.


29a.    Hazing

The Board of Education believes that hazing activities of any type are inconsistent with the educational process and prohibits all such activities at any time in school facilities, on school property, and at any District sponsored event.


Hazing shall be defined for purposes of this policy as performing any act or coercing another, including the victim, to perform any act of initiation into any class, group, or organization that causes or creates a risk of causing mental, emotional, or physical harm.  Permission, consent, or assumption of risk by an individual subjected to hazing shall not lessen the prohibitions contained in this policy.


Hazing – any type of initiation procedure for any school related activity, which involves conduct such as but not limited to:

A.      Illegal activity, such as drinking or drugs;

B.       Physical punishment or infliction of pain;

C.       Intentional humiliation or embarrassment;

D.      Dangerous activity;

E.       Activity likely to cause mental or psychological stress;

F.       Forced detention or kidnapping;

G.       Undressing or otherwise exposing initiates.


Note:  If the school club or organization does not have an official and approved initiation procedure, and if no school staff is involved in the activity, there is a significant likelihood that the activity may result in violation of this policy.


29b.    Bullying

The Board will not tolerate any gestures, comments, threats, or actions to a student which cause or threaten to cause bodily harm, reasonable fear for personal safety or personal degradation.


This policy applies to all activities in the District, including activities on school property and those occurring off school property if the student or employee is at any school-sponsored, school-approved or school-related activity or function, such as field trips or athletic events where students are under the school’s control, or where an employee is engaged in school business.


Bullying – intimidation of others by acts, such as but not limited to:

A.      Threatened or actual physical harm;

B.       Un-welcomed physical contact;

C.       Threatening or taunting verbal, written, or electronic communications;

D.      Taking or extorting money or property;

E.       Damaging or destroying property;

                          F.                  Blocking or impeding student movement.


Aggressive behavior is defined as inappropriate conduct that is repeated enough or serious enough, to negatively impact a student’s educational, physical, or emotional well-being.  This type of behavior is a form of harassment, although it need not be based on any of the legally protected characteristics, such as sex, race color, national origin, marital status, or disability.  It would include but not be limited to, such behaviors as bullying, hazing, stalking, intimidating, menacing, coercion, name-calling, taunting, making threats.


Any student who believes he/she has been or is the victim of aggressive behavior including bullying or hazing, should immediately report the situation to the building principal, student support specialist, or the Superintendent.


ConfidentialityEvery reasonable effort will be made to maintain confidentiality during the investigation process.  However, a proper investigation will, in some circumstances, require the disclosure of names and allegations.  

Notification – Notice of this policy will be annually, circulated to all school buildings and departments within the District and discussed with students, as well as incorporated into the teacher, student and parent/guardian handbooks.  State and Federal rights posters on discrimination and harassment shall also be posted at each building.  All new hires of the District will be required to review and sign off on this policy and the related complaint procedure.


30.    Possession of a Firearm, Arson, and Criminal Sexual Conduct:  In compliance with State law, the Board shall permanently expel any student who possesses a dangerous weapon in a weapon-free school zone or commits either arson or criminal sexual conduct in a District building or on District property, including school buses and other school transportation.


A dangerous weapon is defined as "a firearm, dagger, dirk, stiletto, knife with a blade over three (3) inches in length, pocket knife opened by a mechanical device, iron bar, brass knuckles, or other devices designed to or likely to inflict bodily harm, including, but not limited to, air guns and explosive devices.


Students with disabilities under IDEA or Section 504 shall be expelled only in accordance with Board Policy 2461 and Federal due process rights appropriate to students with disabilities.  A student who has been expelled under this policy may apply for reinstatement in accordance with guidelines which are available in the principal's office.


31.      Criminal Acts:  Any student engaging in criminal acts at or related to the school will be reported to law enforcement officials as well as disciplined by the school.  It is not considered double jeopardy (being tried twice for the same crime), when school rules and the law are violated.  Students should be aware that state law requires that school officials, teachers, and appropriate law enforcement officials be notified when a student of this District is involved in crimes related to physical violence, gang related acts, illegal possession of a controlled substance, analogue or other intoxicants, trespassing, property crimes, including but not limited to theft and vandalism, occurring in the school as well as in the community.  

32.      Safety Concerns:  Students should not use roller blades, bicycles, skateboards scooters, or any other form of personal transportation device in school hallways or District pedestrian traffic areas.  Exceptions may be made to reasonably accommodate students with mobility impairments.  Use of any means of travel within buildings and on grounds by other than generally accepted practices where appropriate is prohibited.  Students violating this expectation will be subject to disciplinary action.


33.      Profanity:  Any behavior or language, which in the judgment of the staff or administration, is considered to be obscene, disrespectful, vulgar, profane, and/or violates community held standards of good taste will be subject to disciplinary action.


Anything that is found in the course of a search that may be evidence of a violation of school rules or the law may be taken and held or turned over to the police.  The school reserves the right not to return items which have been confiscated.  In the course of any search, students’ privacy rights will be respected regarding any items that are not illegal or against school policy.


All computers located in classrooms, labs, and offices of the District are the District's property and are to be used by students, where appropriate, solely for educational purposes.  The District retains the right to access and review all electronic computer files, databases, and any other electronic transmissions contained in or used in conjunction with the District's computer system and electronic mail.  Students should have no expectation that any information contained on such systems is confidential or private.


Review of such information may be done by the District with or without the student's knowledge or permission.  The use of passwords does not guarantee confidentiality, and the District retains the right to access information in spite of a password.  All passwords or security codes must be registered with the instructor.  A student’s refusal to permit such access may be grounds for disciplinary action.


Building administrators may carry out regular locker inspections.  Additionally, a drug dog will conduct routine searches of lockers.  These searches will be unannounced.  Under no circumstances will the drug dog be used for the purpose of searching a student’s person.


Gangs which initiate, advocate, or promote activities which threaten the safety or well‑being of persons or which are disruptive to the school environment are not tolerated.  Incidents involving initiations, hazing, intimidations, or related activities which are likely to cause harm or personal degradation are prohibited. 


Students wearing, carrying or displaying gang paraphernalia or exhibiting behaviors or gestures which symbolize gang membership or causing and/or participating in activities which are designed to intimidate another student will be disciplined.  Prohibited gang paraphernalia will be specifically identified and posted by the building principal.  

GUM AND CANDY Gum chewing is based on individual classrooms.  Candy or snacks are not to be eaten outside the lunchroom unless it is a teacher-sponsored activity.  Students are not allowed to have “pucker powder” (Kool-Aid flavored sugar) or “energy drinks” on school grounds. 



All students are expected to follow the instructions of playground supervisors in a respectful and courteous manner.  Play equipment will be furnished.  If improperly handled, use will be restricted.  Students will be expected to share school equipment.  It is important to proceed quietly and in an orderly manner when going to and from recess areas.  Parents are responsible for assuring that students have a hat, coat, mittens, and boots.  


Students will not be allowed to engage in playground activities that may cause injury.  To avoid potential problems, student may only congregate in groups of four.  Baseballs and softballs may not be used unless part of an organized, supervised, group activities. Skates and skateboards are not allowed on school property during school hours.  Snowballing is an unsafe activity and is prohibited anytime during the school day.  Supervisors will assist each other as needed. Students who use poor judgment in playing at recess shall be tutored on specific recess behavior expectations.

·         Swings:  Sit on swing and swing only.  No twisting, side to side, jumping out of or underdog permitted.

·         Slides:  Slide down the slide one at a time.  No climbing up the slide or sliding down the handrails.

·         Fence:  The fence is not to be sat on, or climbed on.  No one is allowed in the courtyard area between fences.

·         Tables:  Sit on the benches only, not the table.

·         Jump Rope:  Jump ropes are to be used for jumping only, and nothing else.

·         No wrestling or horseplay will be allowed.

·         Teams:  Number of students on each team:        Football – 4         Soccer – 3        Basketball – 3

You can throw a football or Frisbee, shoot a basketball or kick a soccer ball.  No other items may be kicked or thrown.  Students may play football OR soccer on the soccer field. Teams will be switched every 5 minutes. The paved area is for basketball and jump rope only.


General Rules:


·         WALK quietly to and from the play area

·         SHARE equipment and play area

·         BE kind

·         PLAY safely

·         RETURN to class quietly and walking in a single file

·         KEEP your hands and feet in your own personal space

·         ASK permission to leave playground, if necessary

·         PICK UP and put all recess equipment (balls, etc.) into appropriate canister


·         SCREAM (only if there is a serious problem)

·         LEAVE equipment (balls, etc.) on playground.  Equipment not properly put away, will be taken away.

·         JUMP up in the halls to hit the top of doorways, ceiling tiles, or hanging items.

·         LEAVE the playground, classroom, lunchroom without permissions

·         GRAB anyone’s clothing

·         PICK-UP, carry or drag anyone

·         PUSH, shove, kick, hit, or tackle anyone, NO HORSEPLAY


Three (3) blows on the whistle will mean the end of the recess period.  Students should line up in a single file in their assigned place and walk quietly to their class.  All students will go outside to play during a twenty-minute period at noon.  Please make sure your child is dressed for cold weather, i.e., hats, gloves, and boots.  Exceptions to the above would be the following:

·         Temperature below 20 degrees F (wind chill factor taken into account) – supervised in the gym or classroom

·         Inclement weather (rain and/or severe snowstorm) – supervised in the gym or classroom

·         Student has a doctor’s excuse because of a health problem – silent reading in the office area

·         Student has a note from the parent requesting inside recess for a period, not to exceed 2 days, due to a temporary health problem – silent reading in the office area

·         Student has not completed school assignments – teacher supervised

·         RTC (Responsible Thinking Center)


Visitors are NOT allowed on the playground without a pass from the office staff.


SEARCH AND SEIZURE Search of a student and his/her possessions, including vehicles, may be conducted at any time the student is under the jurisdiction of the Board of Education, if there is a reasonable suspicion that the student is in violation of law or school rules.  A search may also be conducted to protect the health and safety of others.  All searches may be conducted with or without a student's consent. 


Students are provided lockers, desks, and other equipment in which to store materials.  It should be clearly understood that this equipment is the property of the school and may be searched at any time if there is reasonable suspicion that a student has violated the law or school rules. 



The Board of Education has adopted the following Student Discipline Code.  The code includes the types of misconduct that will subject a student to disciplinary action.  The Board has also adopted the list of behaviors and the terms contained in the list.  It is the school staff’s responsibility to provide a safe and orderly learning environment.  History has shown that certain student actions are not compatible with a "safe" and "orderly" environment.  Discipline is within the sound discretion of the school staff and administration.  Due process ensures that disciplinary action is imposed only after review of the facts and/or special circumstances of the situation.


STUDENT RIGHTS OF EXPRESSION The school recognizes the right of students to express themselves.  With the right of expression comes the responsibility to do it appropriately.  Students may distribute or display, at appropriate times, non-sponsored, noncommercial written material and petitions; buttons, badges, or other insignia; clothing, insignia, and banners; and audio and video materials.  All items must meet the following school guidelines:


A.    A material cannot be displayed if it:

        1.     Is obscene to minors, libelous, indecent and pervasively or vulgar

        2.Advertises any product or service not permitted to minors by law

        3.Intends to be insulting or harassing

        4.Intends to incite fighting or presents a likelihood of disrupting school or a school event

        5.        Presents a clear and present likelihood that either because of its content or manner of distribution or display, it causes or is likely to cause a material and substantial disruption of school or school activities, a violation of school regulations, or the commission of an unlawful act.

B.                Materials may not be displayed or distributed during class periods, or during passing times between classes.  Permission may be granted for display or distribution during lunch periods and after school in designated locations, as long as exits are not blocked and there is proper access and egress to the building.


Students who are unsure whether or not materials they wish to display meet school guidelines may present them to the principal twenty-four (24) hours prior to display.


CODE OF CONDUCT FOR STUDENTS Students are expected to conduct themselves in a reasonable, orderly manner at all times.  It will be also expected that they will display the highest level of respect for all members of the school community.  The commission of, or participation in, activities that are among those defined as criminal under the laws of the State of Michigan is prohibited.  This includes activities in school buildings, on school property, or at school sponsored events.  Disciplinary action may be taken by the school regardless of whether or not criminal charges result.


To establish the best possible learning atmosphere for the student, as well as to provide for the health, safety and welfare of all students and employees of the Cassopolis Public Schools, the Board of Education has adopted the following regulations along with guidelines for consequences when these regulations are violated.  These regulations apply to all students for all activities of Cassopolis Public Schools.  This list is not intended to be exhaustive, and included, but is not limited to the following:


Definitions:  Every effort will be made to solve disciplinary problems within the school setting and without excluding a student from school.  If this cannot be done, exclusion may be necessary.  These exclusions may fall in the following categories:



Responsible Thinking Process (The Disciplinary Code)

§         Students must be allowed to learn in a safe environment and teachers must be allowed to teach if we are to achieve our goals.  Any disruption to this fundamental premise affects everyone.  In an effort to maintain a quality school setting it is necessary to teach our students to be responsible thinkers.  We accomplish this through the Responsible Thinking Process, a discipline program that creates mutual respect.

§         If a child’s behavior interferes with teaching or learning, the child will be asked a sequence of questions similar to the following:

1.       What are you doing?

2.       What are the rules?

3.       What happens when you break the rules?

4.       What do you want to happen?

5.       What will happen if you disrupt again?

§         The child will then be making a choice to follow the rules and remain with their class or go to the Responsible Thinking Classroom (RTC).  If they choose RTC, a staff member is available to assist the student with creating a discipline plan that will enable him/her to rejoin their class.  This plan must then be presented, negotiated and accepted by the person that referred that student to RTC.  Kindergarten through second grade will be using the “Thinking Chair” as part of the RTC Process.

§         Your support in the area of discipline is critical.  If a student continues to interfere with the learning environment, or refuses to follow the Responsible Thinking Process, you, the parent, will be contacted.  A conference must then be scheduled before your child may return to school.


Student Support Meetings (Interventions)

§         If a student chooses to frequent the use of RTC, you, the parent, will be asked to meet with his or her teacher, the principal and RTC staff member for a Student Support Team Meeting.  This meeting is designed to help your child gain success at school.


Suspension and Expulsion Rules and Philosophy

§         Section 1311 of the School Code of 1976, MCL380-1311, provides authority to the Board of Education to suspend or expel a student from school when the student has committed a gross misdemeanor or has engaged in persistent disobedience.  Where there is reasonable cause to believe that a student is handicapped and the student has not already been evaluated in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Department of Education, the student shall be immediately evaluated.

§         School administrators are authorized by the board of education to suspend a student for committing a gross misdemeanor or engaging in persistent disobedience.  Suspension for longer than ten student attendance days may be imposed only by action of the Board of Education.  A student may be suspended by the school administrator while charges and a recommendation for expulsion or suspension of longer than ten school attendance days is pending before the Board of Education unless otherwise limited by these procedures and/or requirement of law.


1.        Suspension for less than ten (10) days – When a school administrator determines that a student has committed a gross misdemeanor or has engaged in persistent disobedience which justifies a suspension of the student from school for a period of ten (10) days or less, the student shall be informed of the charges either verbally or in writing by the responsible administrator and provided an opportunity to respond to the charges prior to the imposition of any suspension.


If a student denies the allegations, the school administrator shall explain to the student the evidence against him/her and allow the student an opportunity to present his/her explanation of the academic process, the opportunity for the student to meet with the administrator and respond to the charges shall be provided promptly following exclusion.  The administrator may specify that the suspension is one pending a formal hearing before the Board of Education upon recommendation for expulsion or suspension longer than ten (10) days.


Should the school administrator determine that there is justification to suspend the student, the student will be informed of that decision and, in the case of minor students, an attempt will be made to contact the parent or guardian of the student and to provide verbal notice of such decision immediately.


Written confirmation of the decision to suspend shall be promptly provided to the parent or guardian of the student by the building administrator. This notice is to include the length of the suspension, any special conditions relating to the suspension, and the right of the parent or guardian to appeal the suspension.


2.        Expulsion and suspension for more than ten (10) school days – When a school administrator believes that a student has committed a gross misdemeanor or has engaged in persistent disobedience justifying a recommendation for expulsion or suspension for a period of time exceeding ten (10) school days, the recommendation shall be forwarded to the Superintendent of Schools for review and presentation to the Board of Education. The school administrator may suspend the student from school pending a hearing and determination within ten (10) school attendance days by the Board of Education if the school administrator first determines that the student’s continued presence endangers persons or property and/or threatens disruption of the academic process.

The following procedural guidelines will govern the expulsion process:

A.      The student and his/her parents or guardians will be provided with reasonable advance written notification of the recommended action and the specific charges and grounds which, if proven, would justify the suspension or expulsion according to the disciplinary policies of this school district.  Included within this notice shall be a statement of the time and place for the Board of Education hearing.  Time shall be reasonable for parties involved.

B.    The hearing will be conducted before the Board of Education where the student will be provided an opportunity to present witnesses; evidence and defense of the charges and to request cross examination of any adverse witnesses.

C.    The student and his/her parents or guardians may be represented by legal counsel.

D.      The hearing will be conducted before the Board of Education, which shall make its determination solely upon the evidence presented at said hearing.  The hearing is not a court proceeding, and court rules of evidence shall not be enforced at such hearing.

E.       The student and his/her parents or guardians shall be informed of their right to request a closed session for the hearing of the expulsion or suspension charges and the Board’s deliberations.  However, any action of the Board of Education to expel or suspend a student must be by formal motion and vote of the majority of the Board of Education members elected to and serving on the Board of Education in open session.  Such action shall appear in the minutes of the Board of Education and shall be part of the public record.

F.       The Board of Education shall make a record of the suspension or expulsion proceeding.

G.       The Board of Education, by majority vote of those elected and serving, shall state, within five (5) days after the hearing, its findings as to whether or not the students charged shall be suspended or expelled.  Such findings shall be reduced to writing and forwarded to the student and his/her parents or guardians.


3.     Suspension and Expulsion of Students with Disabilities – It is recognized that the school district has an obligation under federal and state law to provide a free and appropriate public education designed to develop the maximum potential of all students eligible for special education. When a student with disabilities engages in a gross misdemeanor or persistent disobedience, the courts have determined such students are not to be punished under the same procedures applied to non-disabled students.


In accordance with Section 1311 of the School Code, if the school district possesses reasonable cause to believe that a pupil is disabled and the school district has not evaluated the pupil in accordance with rules of the State Board of Education, the pupil shall be evaluated immediately by the Intermediate School District of which the school district constituent in accordance with Section 1711 of the School Code of 1976.  For purposes of this policy, “reasonable cause to believe that a pupil is handicapped” shall be interpreted to mean that circumstances are observed which lead a reasonable person, acting impartially with out prejudice, to believe that the pupil is disabled.


1.     Short-Term Suspension – Short-term suspension shall be defined to mean a temporary exclusion for a period of time not to exceed ten (10) school days from the student’s educational program, class, transportation, or any aspect of programs or services identified in the Individualized Education Program of the student.

A.    A disabled student may receive a short-term suspension from school if he or she is responsible for violation of school rules, gross misdemeanor, or persistent disobedience. A single suspension of more than ten (10) days or an accumulation of suspension totaling more than (10) days in a school year shall constitute a long-term suspension of expulsion. 

B.       Prior to short-term suspension of a disabled student, the school district shall afford such student the same procedural rights under this policy as are extended to non-handicapped students.


2.     Long-Term Suspension/Expulsion – Long-term suspension or expulsion shall mean an exclusion of a disabled student for ten (10) days or more from his or her education program, class, transportation, or any aspect of programs or services identified by the student’s Individualized Education Program by action of the Board of Education or its designee. 

A.      A disabled student may receive a long-term suspension or be expelled for violation of school rules, gross misdemeanor, or persistent disobedience as defined in the policy. However, prior to such long-term suspension or expulsion, procedural due process will be followed.  A copy of this policy may be obtained at the Sam Adams Elementary office.


        3.       Emergency Situations – An emergency situation means a situation in which the student’s presence poses a substantial likelihood of resulting injury to himself/herself or others.  In an emergency situation the IEPC must be convened within ten (10) days after the short-term suspension begins.  If, within this ten (10) day period, long-term suspension procedures cannot be completed (with an unappealed IEP), the school district must either:

A.      Obtain parental agreement to interim placement; or

B.       Obtain injunctive relief from a court by showing that maintaining the student in his/her current placement presents a substantial likelihood of resulting in injury to the student or others.


Additional Rules Concerning Suspension The following rules will apply for all students suspended from Frank Squires and Red Brick Elementary Schools:

  1. Student suspension will begin when the student leaves the school or at such time designated by the principal.
  2. Suspension will end when the student is fully reinstated into the school following the suspension.  Example:  A student suspended one day, Tuesday, will be on suspension until he/she returns to school on Wednesday.  A student suspended for two days, Thursday and Friday will be on suspension until reinstated on the Monday.
  3. Any student suspended from school, partial or full seven hours, on the day of an athletic or extra curricular activity/event will not be allowed to participate or be a spectator at that activity/event on that date.
  4. Students who are on suspension will not be allowed on school property until their suspension ends which is on the first full day the student returns to the school.  Students who violate this will have additional days added to their suspension.
  5. Make-up work due to suspension must be completed by the time the student returns to school.

Pupil Conduct Code

To establish the best possible learning atmosphere for the students, as well as to provide for the health, safety, and welfare of all students and employees of Cassopolis Public Schools, the following categories of misconduct have been adopted along guidelines for consequences (including suspension and expulsion) when a student engages in such misconduct. 


These standards of conduct apply to any student who is on school property, who is in attendance at school or at any school-sponsored activity, or whose conduct at any time or place directly interferes with the operations, discipline, or general welfare of the school.  This list is not intended to be exhaustive, and includes, but is not limited to the offenses listed below.  In discipline situations the building principal will have the authority to use alternate penalties.  This will be done in cases where a different penalty may be in the best interest of the school and students involved.


General Misconduct Offenses

A.      Fighting on school property or at school sponsored functions.  The term “fighting” is defined as the act of quarreling involving bodily contact.  A student may also be held responsible for statement and/or actions, which directly provoke aggressive actions, by another student.

B.       Forgery, falsifying excuses, or other school related documents.

C.    Refusing to identify self to school personnel, insubordination, refusal to follow reasonable instructions of school personnel, or suggesting that others defy reasonable instructions or directions.

D.    Obscene or vulgar language or obscene gestures, use of (1) against a staff member (2) against a student.

E.     Threatening, taunting or provoking others, refusing to obey a clear and reasonable order of a teacher, or other school personnel.

F.     Misuse of books, materials, and equipment.

G.    Hitting, pushing, or grabbing others with the willful intention to harass or to cause minor discomfort.

H.    Action in the halls that creates distraction or disruption during school.

I.      Gambling – the term “gambling” is defined as directly or indirectly taking, receiving, or accepting any money or other valuable object contingent upon the result of an uncertain event.

J.     Unsafe and disorderly behavior – “Unsafe and disorderly behavior” is defined as meaning (as example, but not limited to) running in the halls, undue noise in the halls – particularly during class time, throwing snowballs, consumption of food or beverages in other than designated areas, or other behavior destructive to the educational process.

K.    Disposing of food and beverages – the consuming and disposing of food and beverages shall be confined to the school cafeteria unless prior approval is obtained from the school administration.  Other designated areas shall conform to established codes for vending, consuming, or disposing of food and beverages.


FIRST VIOLATION – a warning to a three (3) day suspension from school.

SECOND VIOLATION – three (3) day suspension to six (6) day suspension from school.

THIRD VIOLATION – six (6) day to nine (9) day suspension from school.

FOURTH VIOLATION – refer to Incorrigibility Persistent Disobedience in Violation of School Rules and Regulations.


Gross Misconduct Offenses A.      Arson – setting of fire

B.       Assault and/or battery – The term assault is defined as “A threat or attempt to inflict bodily injury where the victim has reason to believe the injury may be inflicted.  The term battery as, “The wrongful physical touching of a person”.

C.       Bomb threats, false fire alarms, abuse of fire extinguishers and false police reports

D.      Breaking and entering unauthorized entry into school property, including but not limited to school buildings and school vehicles.

E.       Bullying – either physical or psychological

F.       Explosives – explosives are not permitted on school property or at school sponsored activities. This includes fireworks, smoke devices, incendiary devises as well as caustic or noxious substances.

G.       Extortion, blackmail, or coercion – obtaining money or property by violence or forcing someone to do something against his/her will by force or threat of force.

H.      Illicit substances – the manufacture, distribution, sale, possession, use, or being under the influence of the following substances is prohibited:

1.        Alcohol or any alcoholic beverage, including “non-alcoholic malt beverages”

2.        Illicit drugs

3.        Any glue, aerosol or other chemical substance, including but not limited to petroleum distillates, lighter fluid, and reproduction fluid for inhalation.

4.        Any prescription or non-prescription drug, medicine, vitamin or other chemical including, but not limited to aspirin, other pain relievers, stimulants, diet pills, multiple or other type vitamins, pep pills, no-doze pills, cough medicines, and syrups, cold medicines, laxatives, stomach or digestive remedies, depressants and sleeping pills not taken in accordance with school District’s authorized use of medication procedures.

5.        Steroids, human growth hormones, or other performance enhancing drugs

6.        Substances purported to be illegal, abusive or performance enhancing i.e., “look-a-like” drugs.  It shall not be a violation of this policy for a student to use or possess a prescription or patent drug when taken pursuant to a legal prescription issued by a licensed physical for which permission to use in school has been granted pursuant to School District Policy.  These standards of conduct apply to all students while on school property or in school sponsored transportation, as well as to all student participants in any school sponsored activity or function regardless of location, date or time.

I.         Indecent exposure

J.        Larceny – theft or aiding and abetting a larceny or theft

K.      Malicious mischief – property damage

L.       Other violations of federal, state or local ordinance

M.     Interference with school authorities – interfering with or encouraging others to interfere with administration or teachers by intimidation with threat of force or violence

N.      Intimidation of school authorities – interfering with or encouraging others to interfere with administration or teachers by intimidation with threat of force or violence

O.      Vandalism – damage to school property of others.  The commission of or participation in any of the foregoing activities in the school building or on school property or at school-sponsored activities is prohibited.  Disciplinary action will be taken by the school regardless of whether or not criminal charges result.  Any student who is an accessory or withholds information or hinders an investigation may be subject to disciplinary action.

P.       Weapons as described in the Weapons Free Schools policy


Criminal Acts – Any criminal acts taking place at or related to the school will be reported to law enforcement officials as well as disciplined by the school.  It is not considered double jeopardy (being tried twice for the same crime), when school rules and the law are involved.


Procedures and Penalties for Gross Misconduct Offense The principal or his/her designee will:

A.      Investigate offense and allow the student the opportunity to defend himself/herself

B.       Notify police when appropriate

C.       Notify the parents of those involved

D.      Notify the office of the Superintendent


Penalty One of more of the following may apply as determined by the principal or his/her designee:

A.      Suspension – one to ten days

B.       Suspension of more than ten days

C.       Recommendation for expulsion

D.      Restitution of property (if applicable)

E.       Conference with parents before readmitting students


Incorrigibility/Persistent Disobedience Persistent and repeated violation of rules and regulations will result in a petition filed to probate court and/or long-term suspension and/or recommendation to the Board of Education for expulsion from school.


Note:  To ensure compliance with Title IV, Subpart 4, Section 4155 of the No Child Left Behind Act, all discipline records with respect to suspensions or expulsions will be placed in the student’s permanent records (CA 60 File).